Welcome to La Antigua Guatemala

Welcome to Antigua

Antigua Guatemala has four entrances to the city. If we think of them as doors, this would be the main door: the road that comes from Guatemala City. La Antigua Guatemala is located at only 45 kilometres from Guatemala City; you can travel it in about an hour driving safely. If you consider that, in some cases, you can travel for two hours and still be inside Guatemala City, 60 minutes is a short time that separates two completely different cities. Guatemala City is the largest and most chaotic city of Central America. Meanwhile, Antigua is a tiny colonial town with cobblestone streets. Guatemala City is a modern city with skyscrapers, tree-lined boulevards and streets, with a huge metropolitan area, and the most horrible public transportation system in the world. On the other hand, Antigua building code does not allow for two-storey buildings, there are some, but new buildings can not be built; there is no public transportation system, unless you count the and taxis; most of the streets are one-lane ways. So, there is a huge distance that separates Antigua from Guatamala City, and it is not measured in kilometres.

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