Antigua’s market vendor

Antigua’s market vendor, originally uploaded by rudygiron.

Supermarket is the theme for today in 25 daily city blogs. Antigua does not have a supermarket per se, although there is a big convenience store called La Bodegona. We do have a large market, very big indeed, so I decided to post a snapshot of the typical market stand. I have already posted two previous photos of the market on June 5th and May 12th.

Side note:
I want to thank the 2,228 visitors who came 3,520 times to watch what is going on in Antigua. Also, I am very thankful for the 149 links that 98 people made to this site on its first 60 days of existence. That is right, Antigua Daily Photo has been online two months already.

How much am I thankful? Your frequent visits are the motivation behind the purchase of a domain for this photo blog. Since June 28th you can find this blog at:

Please, don’t forget to update your links to this site.

Now, go head and pay a visit to those 25 Daily Photo Blogs who created a concerted effort to bring you the supermarkets of the world:
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