Antigua Market Sights — Chipilín Vendor
Chipilín is this Guatemalan herb with a very unique flavor and aroma. In the Guatemalan cuisine, one finds in all kind dishes, …
Chipilín is this Guatemalan herb with a very unique flavor and aroma. In the Guatemalan cuisine, one finds in all kind dishes, …
The mercado of Antigua Guatemala is a location full with repetition vistas such as this jeans vendor booth.
Today I share with you the sight of a booth of one of the egg vendors inside the market of Antigua Guatemala. …
We begin 2022 with this portrait of the nutcracker of Antigua Guatemala taken during a recent market photo walk. I believe my …
Today I share with you a photo from Antigua Guatemala’s bus terminal. I made this image during the photo walk I lead on Thanksgiving while I was teaching how to properly use natural frames, an effective use of layers as well as perspective. Down below you can see the photo made by Sergey… TAP to see the full size photos.
How can one not be grateful for all the fresh tropical fruits found year-round in the mercado of Antigua Guatemala, don’t your …
Every year October 31st is the best day for flowers vendors as the sales skyrocket for the entire week as everyone is …
Not everything is bad about the Cover-19 pandemic. Farmer’s Markets and local fruit and veggie stands are popping up everywhere. For instance, …
We are very fortunate in Antigua Guatemala because a lot of the food that we consume in the municipality it is grown …
Making environmental portraits of strangers can be quite a challenge, especially at places where people shy away from cameras. I enjoy sharing …
In the beef, pork and fish corridors of the municipal market of Antigua Guatemala one can often find pop-up stands selling mostly …
Making portraits of strangers can be quite challenging, especially at places where people shy away from cameras. I often share the necessary …
In the back of the market, towards the bus terminal end, there are quite a few tortilla booths, many preparing black tortillas …
This battle is fought every day at every market in the world; doesn’t matter who wins, the people always lose, right? All …
Here’s your illustrated Spanish word of the day: Carnicero for butcher. This framed portrait of a butcher was made on a market …