New Paint Jobs in Antigua for the Holy Week

Face Lift for the Holy Week

Many houses and business buildings get a new paint job right before the Holy Week. The streets of La Antigua Guatemala get repaired as well. All this rejuvenating and face-lifts of this old town are needed to make Antigua Guatemala look its best for the Holy Week (Semana Santa in Spanish). As a matter of fact, there’s no other celebration as important, as colorful, as religious, as expected, as huge, as memorable as the Holy Week in Antigua Guatemala.

Normally I stay away from the crowed streets, and I mean really crowed streets. In the Semana Santa week, La Antigua Guatemala receives so many kinds tourists: Firsts and foremost, the Guatemalans, the regional Central Americans and Mexicans and everybody else and their cousins. I will try to come to take some snapshot for your benefit. Wish me luck.

By the way, the building being painted above is the candy store of La Dulceria de Doña Marí­a Gordillo —check it out for a sweet view of the traditional Guatemalan candy. You can also see all the other photos about the world-famous candy store of Doña Marí­a Gordillo.

Come back tomorrow for an entry about Kings, Queens, Presidents and Prime Ministers Wanted ad.

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