VII Summit of First Ladies of Central America, Panama and Dominican Republic

Woman, axis of development in the family and community

La Antigua Guatemala is the preferred location for summits, international conferences, high-level political official meetings, visits of presidents and kings and queens. So it is no surprise to see the VII Summit of First Ladies of Central America, Panama and Dominican Republic being hosted in La Antigua Guatemala. The slogan for the summit is: Woman, axis of development in the family and community.

For some unknown reason to me, this summits hasn’t generated any press coverage. Checking the web sites of the two Guatemalan newspaper that I read, neither elPeriódico nor Prensa Libre had any news-bits about the agenda or anything related to the summit. It was through the old trusted google that found an article in the Guatemalan government official newspaper, Diario de Centro America, and another column in the Spanish news portal of Yahoo.

Basically, the first ladies want to promote strategies in favor of the women of the region. If you ask me, this sounds to generic and broad to be taken seriously as a plan to better the situation of women in Central America. They could’ve taken a look at my entry of Guatemalan Women & Killer’s Paradise for two concrete campaigns for their agenda: The elimination of violence against women and solid plans to end the femicides and to bring the killers to justice. But then again, this would not be a suitable agenda to discuss for some fine first ladies while drinking the best coffee of world while staying at the only five stars hotel in La Antigua Guatemala, right?

What do you think about of this sort of summit?

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