Guatemalan Fair: The Ferris Wheel

Children's Ferris Wheel and San Pedro Las Huertas Church

Ferris wheels are another element of the Guatemalan fair. There is at least one Ferris wheel, but more often two or three of different sizes. The Ferris wheel is known here by these names rueda de Chicago(Chicago Wheel), rueda de la fortuna (wheel of fortune) and vuelta al mundo (around the world). Fairs are made up by all kinds of ambulant stands. Fairs are like accordions, they grow or shrink depending of the size of the community or town. All these photos belong to the San Pedro Las Huertas, a small village just outside and belonging to La Antigua Guatemala. At the end of July, La Antigua Guatemala will have its massive fair in honor of Saint James or Santiago.

The whole atmosphere is festive with many different games, food stands, marimba music and the omnipresent loud firecracker bombs. Below, you can view a tiny video clip of the burning the firecracker bombs. For a walk-thru video clip of the fair, check my entry Is it fair? Really it’s a fair.

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