Wanted: New Mayor for La Antigua Guatemala

New Mayor for La Antigua Guatemala

Calzada Santa Lucí­a gets overcrowded with all the stands of the 11 candidates for the La Antigua Guatemala City Hall or Muni as we call it here. They all have their booths, their chants and songs, their promises, their colors, their flyers, their visual and hearing pollution, their trash, et-cetera.

They all tell us that they will change La Antigua Guatemala and/or Guatemala. I hate how all of them over use the word change and they leave it empty-ended. Does change really equals better? I don’t know where they get they dictionaries and thesaurus. Was the change from the Clinton to the Bush administration a change for the better? Is the world better now or even the U.S?; Just put an example that may be more obvious to all of us.

Nevertheless, a change is necessary in La Antigua Guatemala’s Muni. I just hope the change will bring a better administrator and politician to the mayor’s office. La Antigua Guatemala in an urgent need of better administration (ES).

For those who are unaware that Guatemala will voting for new residents in the presidency and vice-presidency, city mayors offices and congress seats on September 9th, all I have to say is: Come on people read more Blogschapines or if you like dinosaur-blogs read La Hora, Siglo XXI, elPeriódico or Prensa Libre. 😉

© 2007 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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