Guateflora: Hiedras (Hedera/Ivies)

Guateflora: Hiedras (Hedera/Ivies)

Hiedras (Ivies/Hederas helix & H. canariensis) are very popular as well as all kinds of trepadoras (climbing) or cubresuelos (ground-creeping) siempreverdes (evergreen) plants in La Antigua Guatemala. Hiedras and trepadoras are found in many antigüeño homes covering the gardens’ walls. The picture above is not very good, but this is the only one I had in my photo archives at the moment to show you ivy plant (I promise I will take more sample shots of climbing and ground-creeping plants). This hiedra shot was taken as a continuation of the Burger King’s fountain shot; which by the way has all kinds Guateflora plants growing on the walls of the búcaro fountain. Right above the Burger King’s fountain the ivy plant begins to cover the wall and it goes all the way to the second floor wall.

To compensate you for this horrible picture, I am sharing a link sent to me by my dear friend and commentator of LAGDP, Manolo, to a slide show of Vivero La Escalonia (La . Manolo took this photos back in August when he visited La Antigua Guatemala. Enjoy!

The Guateflora category takes its name on a wonderful compilation book by the name of Guate Flora: Plantas ornamentales más utilizadas en jardí­nes guatemaltecos (Guate Flora: Ornamental Plants Most Often Used in Guatemalan Gardens). The books compiles more than 400 photos of the plants most often used in Guatemalan gardens along with technical description about the plants’ categories, and how to grow them. Many of the photographs in the book were taken from gardens in private homes, hotels, restaurants, parks, green houses, mini-malls or on the streets around La Antigua Guatemala; this fact is what prompted me to try to take shots of the ornamental plants as I encounter them in my comings-and-goings.

Post cards request update: Four new post cards were found in my post office box on Monday. We received one from Downtown Minneapolis sent on October 1; another from Historic Romeo, Michigan sent on October 3; one more from Owego, New York mailed on October 2; and the last one from Grand Junction, Colorado. The four post cards arrived in GuateCity “La Nueva” on October 9 and it took almost a week to get to “La Antigua”. It is incredible that is takes almost the same time to travel the thousands of miles to get to Guatemala City as it takes to travel the 30 miles that separates La Antigua Guatemala from the capital; no wonder my bills are always late. By the way, my girlfriend and I are enjoying your post cards very much, especially the many different stamps. Please keep them coming! If you don’t know what I am talking about, please do read the entry Postscript.

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