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April 2008

Fish Farming in Antigua

If I had been told when I was a little kid that they would “grow” and “harvest” fish in a farm around …

Tres Volcanes Honey Spread Project

The Departamento of Sacatepéquez (State or Province), where La Antigua Guatemala is located and to which is the Department’s Capital, is very …

Guatemalan Police Anecdotes

One of the benefits of living in a third world country is that you don’t need to read Cien años de soledad …

Guatemalan Cuisine: Mixtas

Guatemalan mixtas (mixed) are basically hot dogs which come with tortillas instead of a bun. Simple and great tasting. There are other …

Did Anybody Say Jocotes?

There are some Guatemalan fruits that are impossible to translate into English; jocotes is one of them. Jocotes is the little round …

Guatemalan Fresh Fruit Snacks

Since you guys are having the cravings for Guatemalan fresh fruit snacks, I decided to show you the current options. All you …

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