Yellow Guatemalan Poinsettias Wallpaper

Yellow Guatemalan Poinsettias Wallpaper

First wallpaper download for 2009 from La Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo (LAGDP). You can browse the wallpaper category to get the other 23 Guatemalan wallpapers for your computer available from LAGDP.

Just two weeks ago I shared with you a photo red and yellow pascuas (poinsettias) and I mentioned that poinsettias were native to Guatemala and Mesoamerica. A few days after that, I came across an article in Prensa Libre entitled: Pascuas que cambian de colores (Poinsettias of different colors) in which I learned that, according to industry statistics, Guatemala is the top grower of poinsettias in the world. Guatemala produces 60 million poinsettias which represents 80% of the production in the world. How about that?

Other interesting reads about Poinsettias in Spanish/Google-translated.

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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