Antigua’s Biodiesel Project

Antigua's Biodiesel Project

Antigua Guatemala is full of Quixotes who do not know about impossibles. Alejandro del Valle is such a Quixote who after careful consideration decided to take on the gigantic enterprise to convert the burnt cooking oil from all those restaurants around La Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City into renewal biodiesel energy to be used in the Antigua’s City Hall vehicles and the Obras Sociales del Hermano Pedro Hospital.

Come on, if after reading the above paragraph you don’t think you have to be a Quixote to take on such monumental project, just imagine for a second how many people you have to convince of the idea that converting burnt oil into biodiesel for the municipal vehicle fleet is feasible; never mind the ecological benefits. Come on, we are talking about business owners, Antigua’s Mayor and the City Council, investors and a long list of people throughout Guatemala and abroad. Alejandro del Valle and his supportive team did that.

The Antigua’s Biodiesel Project is something I believe in with all of my heart and I will come back to this project to highlight its merits and achievements as well as to show you the story behind the scenes. In the mean time, if you want to learn more about the people behind such a innovative enterprise, please visit their website at or just watch a couple videos to get an overview of the biodiesel project. Afterwards, please, come back and let us know your impressions about Antigua’s Biodiesel Project and share with us if similar projects are already in placed in your neck of the woods.

Are you interested in learning how to convert burnt cooking oil into biodiesel fuel?

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