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July 2009, Page 2

Beauty and the Beast

Normally, every photo at AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com comes with a caption, a narrative or even a story. Not always, the story is about the …

Mother and Son Bonding

Today it is your turn to do the caption for this street photo of a mother and son bonding in La Antigua …

Horseback Riding in Antigua Guatemala

It is not unusual to see people riding horses within the streets of La Antigua Guatemala. Some of the horses have been trained to do so gracefully that is a pleasure to watch them go by. Such is the case of this white horse and the jockey that ride as one with refinement and suave stride.

Antigua Abstracted #3

One of Antigua’s many attractions is slowly discovering the piled and jumbled beauty of ruined buildings scattered throughout the old city. The romanticism and nostalgia of shattered architecture has always drawn traveler’s and tourists to places such as these- from the 19 Century grand tours taken by Europeans through Ancient Greece and Rome- to present day seekers of lost cities in the Guatemalan jungles.

Antigua Abstracted #2

Luscious rivers of colour, in every hue imaginable pour through La Antigua over Holy week. Ultramarine, cobalt blue, lime yellow, day-glow orange, deep rich purples, and blood reds, all in myriad shades flow into endless combinations over the cobblestone canvas of the street.

Antigua Tours

If you walk around La Antigua Guatemala, quite regularly, you come across groups of tourists taking tours of the city to learn …

Jeanfer is Free and Happy

I am glad to report the good news that Jean Ramses Anleu Fernández, better known as @jeanfer is free and happy since …

Framing the Volcanoes

Believe it or not, I like framing. It is one of things I like to do most while taking photographs around La …

Antigua Abstracted

The City of La Antigua Guatemala is, for me, completely coloured by my experience of life as an artist. Often out of all the photographs I take, the ones that end up “speaking” back to me with the most intensity are those expressed abstractly

Cuddling Couple at the Cross

I wonder if the lookout point has been dubbed “make-out point.” This couple is certainly enjoying the ambience of the hilltop vista. Can’t say I blame them…

Masked Man of Mystery

The total amount of time I’ve spent within La Antigua Guatemala so far isn’t much, just several months. But, from what I can tell, it’s not too common to spot masked men cruising around on big, shiny choppers in the old, Spanish-styled colonial city.

Mayan Women with Poise

I can’t count the number of times my mother chastised me for slouching throughout my childhood. A few times she even succeeded in convincing me to practice walking with a book on my head so that I might “improve my posture.”

Mayan Child of Maturity

This little girl, who looks to be no more than five-years-old, is calmly sitting by herself watching the daily activity and buzz on the cobbled street before her.

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