The Recycling Truck of Antigua Guatemala

The Recycling Truck of Antigua Guatemala

Recycling the recycling truck of La Antigua Guatemala. Keep reading and I promise the previous sentence will make sense.

My dear green friend Kara Andrade had this to say about recycling in La Antigua Guatemala:

For weeks I’ve been asking different people about recycling centers, pickup services, anything to stop the madness of the trash we’ve been generating in our house for the past two months. Everyone’s says “Oh yeah, La Antigua recycles.” or “Have you tried that place in Ciudad Vieja?” “The capital has a few places, go there.” All so vague and unhelpful that it made me question whether  it was sheer urban legend.

… I looked in the yellow pages, I tweeted, I asked other “greensters,” but nothing satiated my need for convenience, conservation and practicality.  So I spent a few hours on Facebook looking for Facebook groups with the keyword “Guatemala” in them and poured through 500 pages until I found these folks:

Guatemala Green: How it Works

We called and spoke to Pedro Morales  Tel: 5104 8447 (there’s also an English speaker – Becky Harris (English Speaking)  Tel: 5778 4009) and scheduled a regular pick-up from our home on Tuesdays. We neede  to improve our sorting/storing methodology, per their requirements, but an hour of sorting, washing out and rearranging everything did the trick. We got some neighbors in on it and they brought their recyclables over. (Continue reading… It’s worth every penny)

Of course, being a wholehearted greenster, Kara Andrade went the extra mile and organized a colonia recycling program in her neighborhood and even created two flyers; Recycling at El Calvario in English and Reciclaje en El Calvario. Below her one paragraph summary about the recycling program at her colonia (residential neighborhood):

What is Guatemala Green Recycling?
Guatemala Green is a recycling program that picks up already sorted materials for recycling in the La Antigua area. The centre is based in “El Tigre” next to Mastil on the road out of La Antigua towards Ciudad Vieja.

¿Que es Guatemala Green Recycling?
Guatemala Green es un programa de reciclaje que recoge los materials que ya están ordenados para el reciclaje en la zona de La Antigua. El centro se basa en “El Tigre” junto al Mástil en la carretera de La Antigua a Ciudad Vieja.

What my green thumb friend Kara Andrade didn’t mention was the fact that the vehicle used for the recycling pick up belongs to Biopersa, Antigua’s Biodiesel Project. Biopersa and Guatemala Green joined their resources to create the first viable recycling program in Antigua Guatemala. The biodiesel truck main purpose is to pick up restaurants’ burnt oil and other liquid fats which are then converted into biodiesel. The biodiesel truck, of course, runs on biodiesel and now is used for the recycling program as well.

That’s what I call 100% ecological recycling program!

I’m inspired by people like Kara Andrade from HablaGuate and Alejandro del Valle, the Quixote behind the Antigua’s Biodiesel Project and their team members. When I grow up, I want to be like them! 😉

How does it work the recycling program where you live?

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