Crater of Volcán de Agua Wallpaper

Crater of Volcán de Agua Wallpaper

Wow, time flies by; I just realized I have not shared a wallpaper with you since the Earth Day Wallpaper From Antigua Guatemala on April 22.

Let’s fix that right away. I took this photo earlier this morning driven by the Stephanie’s comment on Blink And The World Will Change:

Thanks for using the maximum zoom on this photo! This is the most detailed photo I’ve ever seen of Volcan de Fuego. Usually the photos are more distant so you appreciate the form (and the sky) but don’t get a rich sense of the color and textures. I think this is my favorite of the volcano pictures.

So, today’s photo serves two purposes, I show you a extreme close-up Volcán de Agua’s crater and share with you another wallpaper for your computer. Download the 1280×960 Crater of Volcán de Agua wallpaper here.

Of course you can download other wallpapers by browsing the Wallpaper category. Let me know which ones you’ve downloaded.

Volcán de Agua Teleférico aside: Not too long ago I read in the newspapers that there’s a definite plan to built a Teleférico (tramway) from Santa María de Jesús to the crater of Volcán de Agua. If I remember correctly, the funds for such a tourist project will come from Taiwan.

© 2010 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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