The Rainiest Year Ever

Rainiest Year Ever by Rudy Girón

This has to be the rainiest year ever in my entire life. I had never ever seen so much rainfall. After several consecutive days of non-stop rain I posted this in Twitter:

@rudygiron: Éste es el año más lluvioso de toda mi vida y sinceramente ya me tiene harto y deprimido.

@rudygiron: This has to be the rainiest year ever in my entire life and frankly I am already tired of it and depressed.

However, other Guatemalans don’t seem to be affected at all. Here are other tweets:

@stephaniefalla: Guatemala parece Londres con tanta lluvia y días grises jajaja! pero tiene su encanto, así que no me quejo! 🙂

@stephaniefalla: Guatemala looks like London with so much rain and grey days hahaha! But, I find it charming, so I don’t complain 🙂

@anitagt: morning morning!! rainy day in my dear ol’ Guatemala!! ….loving it!! 🙂

What do you think, is it TOO much rain or am I just whining unnecessarily?

© 2010 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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