Unmounting the Christ Figure from the Cross

Unmounting the Christ from the Cross by Rudy Girón

At the end of the mass service for the Feast of Out Lady of Guadalupe while I was trying to get out of the atrium my girlfriend, who was just outside the atrium’s barred fence, pointed out how captivating and alluring was the image of the Christ figure being put down from the cross and all the careful hands over its body. I turned around and walked a few steps to a get the photograph above. The imagery of the Christ and all the careful hands bring the body down was a more authentic enactment than the eucharistic celebration we had just attended. Perhaps that is so because I am visual person.

After reviewing the series of photographs, I don’t know why I associated the above image with the video of Losing My Religion from R.E.M.; perhaps you can help me find out why. I will be looking forward to your comments.

P.S. I was told by clergyman that this Christ figure was also used for the canonization of Hermano Pedro de San José Betancurt on July 30, 2002 by Pope John Paul II.

© 2010 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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