Earth Hour: Think Green Wallpaper

Earth Hour: Think Green Wallpaper by Rudy Girón

I read this tweet about the Earth Hour (Hora del Planeta):

@AndyStalman: Mas que apagar las luces habría que encender las conciencias! #HoraDelPlaneta

Which I roughly translated to “Instead of turning off the lights we should turn on the consciences.”

I thought, why not do both. I mean it certainly can not hurt to turn off the lights for one hour and perhaps the idea behind these kind awareness campaigns is to turn on the consciences.

So, with these thoughts in mind, I share with you another free wallpaper from Antigua Guatemala to use on your laptop or desktop computer, sort of something to tickle your own thoughts about it. Enjoy! and feel free to share with as many people as you like.

Here’s an overview of how Earth Hour was observed in La Antigua Guatemala last year.

Is Earth Hour observed where you live?

© 2011 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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