Talk: Photojounalism in Guatemala During the War Years by Jean-Marie Simon

Talk: Photojounalism in Guatemala During the War Years by Jean-Marie Simon

El fin es sólo el comienzo. The end is just the beginning.

One of the aspects that I enjoy the most about being part of engine behind Club Fotográfico de Antigua Guatemala (CFA), Antigua’s Photo Club, is that we bring the most prominent and important photographers to Antigua Guatemala to share their experiences and knowledge. That was the case with our most recent talk by photojournalist Jean-Marie Simon who lived in Guatemala during the harsh years of the war, the Reagan years pretty much. Last Saturday Jean-Marie shared her images and experience with a group of about 50 photographers interesting in hearing her first-hand experiences of doing photojournalism in Guatemala during the 1980s.

With the careful curation and selection from thousands of images captured during nearly a decade, Jean-Marie Simon published the book “Guatemala: Eternal Spring, Eternal Tyranny” in English and in Spanish “Guatemala: Eterna Primavera, Eterna Tirania.” This book should be required reading for Guatemalans and mandatory reading for those in the básicos, the Guatemalan equivalent of high school. By the way, you can read the book by following the white rabbit through the link below.

In addition to the talk, there were books on sale, I got one, but unfortunately, we underestimated the quantity of books our audience would take home with them, and there were some people who could not get a book. All books that we put on sale were sold.

While scanning the book I ended up at the end of the book where a list of prosecutions of the people responsible for crimes during the war years. After reading many names, Jean-Marie simply claims: Es un comienzo (It’s a beginning!). I agree with her. As Guatemalans we need to find the legal means and courage to prosecute those responsible of crimes. Algo es algo.

Talk: Photojounalism in Guatemala During the War Years by Jean-Marie Simon

Talk: Photojounalism in Guatemala During the War Years by Jean-Marie Simon

Talk: Photojounalism in Guatemala During the War Years by Jean-Marie Simon

Fragment of Guatemala: Eterna Primavera, Eterna Tirania

© 2013 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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