Photo Walks in Antigua Guatemala

Photowalks in Antigua Guatemala by Rudy Giron

I have been hosting some photo walks in Antigua Guatemala for several months now and I just realised I had not mentioned it here. The photo walks are set around a theme such as the secrets of Antigua Guatemala, food venues, street photography and earthquake colonial chronicles for an upcoming caminata fotográfica.

So far, people have really enjoyed this new platform to share and learn new things about Antigua Guatemala and photography.

Since I am in an over-sharing mode today, here’s the invitation for the inauguration of #GUATEGRAMS: Slices of Daily Life in GuatemalaPhotography art exhibit by Rudy Giron on November 1 at 6pm in NYC (225 West 35th Street, suite 305, Manhattan, NY 10001 Tels. (212) 807-0400 / (516) 241-4179). It would be an honor for me to count with your presence and support. The photos will be on sale as well.

By the way, #GUATEGRAMS was on display at El Fotógrafo Photo Gallery in Antigua Guatemala during August and at Centro Cultural La Puerta Roja in Guatemala City during September.

Invitation to the inauguration of #Guategrams in NYC

If you can read Spanish or would like to see more photos of the photo walk in Antigua Guatemala, head over to my personal blog at

© 2013 – 2021, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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