Holy Week Elements: Timonel

Rudy Giron: AntiguaDailyPhoto.com &emdash; Holy Week Elements: Timonel

Here’s your Holy Week Spanish word for the day: Timonel

The timonel is the person at the front of the processional float that steers the float on one direction or another. In Spanish the word for timón means steering wheel.

As we can see in the picture, the timonel basically pushes to the left or right to give direction to the float. I am sure this is a very difficult action since you are pushing a tremendous weight being carried by 80 to 100 people.

I am not sure if the timonel takes turns as the cucuruchos do, but I am sure he or she must do it since I can not conceive one person doing this hard work for the entire length of the procession. What do you know?

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