Agua as Hunahpú and Fuego as Ixbalanqué

Here’s another panoramic vista of volcanoes Agua, Fuego and Acatenango during the sunset of this delicious canícula or heat wave, which in Guatemala it translates as days without rain.

I have read or heard the following story. The enormous volcano that stands south of Antigua Guatemala is known as Volcán de Agua at present, but before it was known as Hunajpú. Hunahpú is the twin brother of Ixbalanqué as told in the Popol Vuh, sort of the Mayan Bible, the two Maya hero twins. Volcán de Fuego, on the other hand, is believe to be Ixbalanqué.

If you have not read the Popul Vuh yet, you’re missing out on a great book, sacred as the Bible for many. Here’s a brief summary about Hunahpu and Xbalanque in the mean time:

The Maya Hero Twins are the central figures of a narrative included within the colonial Quiché document called Popol Vuh (Book of the People), and constituting the oldest Maya myth to have been preserved in its entirety. Called Hunahpu and Xbalanque in Quiché, the Twins have also been identified in the art of the Classic Mayas (200-900 AD). The Twin motif recurs in many native American mythologies; the Mayan Twins in particular could be considered as mythical ancestors to the Mayan ruling lineages…

… With Xibalba defeated and the arrogant gods disposed of, Hunahpu and Xbalanque had one final act to accomplish. They returned to the Xibalban ballcourt and retrieved the buried remains of their father, One Hunahpu, and attempted to rebuild him. Although his body was made whole again he was not the same, and was unable to function as he once did. The twins left their father there in the ballcourt, but before doing so told him that he would be prayed to by those who sought hope, and this eased his heart.
Then finished, the pair departed Xibalba and climbed back up to the surface of the Earth. They did not stop there, however, and continued climbing straight on up into the sky. One became the Sun, the other became the Moon. (…continue reading at Wikipedia)

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Panoramic Vista of Volcanoes Agua, Fuego and Acatenango

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