The Very Active Volcano Fuego, Antigua Guatemala

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; The Very Active Volcano Fuego, Antigua Guatemala

Oh Fuego is such a show-off. I guess volcano Fuego didn’t get enough attention when it was growing up. Did you know Guatemala has three active volcanoes, Santiaguito, Pacaya and Fuego. Volcano Pacaya is located south of Guatemala City and that’s the volcano that most visitors climb when they come to Guatemala. Santiaguito is near Quetzaltenango or Xelajú and it is the volcano with the more irregular activity. Now, Fuego, or volcano Fire, is the most famous of the three. In fact, Fuego appears on the emblem of Antigua Guatemala and Guatemala City. Fuego also appears often in the history of Guatemala. By the way, this is the view from our balcony at home.

Now, here’s a treat thanks to Ricky López who shared this video clip of the recent activity of volcano Fuego. Enjoy!

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