Documentary Wedding Photography in Antigua Guatemala

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash;

Simply put, documentary wedding photography is all about telling a story. Using photojournalist and street photography approaches, images are weaved together to narrate the account of the wedding day. As you look at the wedding photography images I have shared through the archives of Antigua Daily Photo you may realise that my approach is slightly different to the traditional wedding photography. This genre of photography is known by several different names; documentary wedding photography; wedding photojournalism, and reportage wedding photography. There is no difference between the names, what the bridal magazines see as the fashionable way to describe natural, story telling wedding photography. If you or anyone you know is getting married in Antigua Guatemala or nearby and would like to include my street photography + photojournalism style, make sure to get in touch with me at my photography website or through here.

© 2015 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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