24 Frames of Film: Guatemalan Candies

Rudy Giron: 24 frames of film May 2015 &emdash;

Here’s your Spanish word of the day: Dulcerí­a or candy store.

La Dulcerí­a de Doña Marí­a Gordillo is quite possibly the most well-known candy store in La Antigua Guatemala. As I stated back in 2006, this candy store has been reviewed and profiled in numerous magazines and newspapers. The land and house where is located the world-famous candy store has a history that begins in 1546, a little over 460 years ago. The candy shop, however, was established about 130 years ago.

This is the first time I captured this store on analog film, which by the way I am enjoying tremendously. To my taste, it is raw and grainy; analog film gives the possibility to show a different aesthetic to the over-exposed and over-photographed Antigua Guatemala. Soon I will have black and white film developed and new images will come this way. Stay tuned!

PLEASE DONATE Some B&W Chromogenic film (C-41)
If you would like to donate a couple of rolls of B&W Chromogenic film (C-41); that’s black and white film that can be developed in color negative film labs, you can send them to my address below. You can follow the link to B&H photo store in NYC or buy it at a photo shop closer to you.

P.O. Box 139, El Correo
Antigua Guatemala, 03001
Guatemala, C.A.

You can send it via the regular snail-mail postal service. Or you can send it to my courier address in the U.S., but remember I have to pay every piece is shipped to me from Miami to Antigua Guatemala; just make sure you let me know and send me the tracking number so I can forward it to the courier.

6910 NW 46TH ST STE 435
DORAL, FL 33166-9101
United States

© 2015 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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