The Humorous Results of the Presidential Election of Guatemala

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Mother with baby casting vote in Antigua Guatemala

If Kafka had lived in Guatemala, he would have been only a clerk.

I have said it before and I am certain I will repeat it again. Let me explain, the far out Kafka stories are everyday life in Guatemala. Sometimes we watch a fictional story on a movie just to realise this is reality in Guatemala.

Who in their right mind would have guessed only 10 months ago that an unknown comedian, so they say, would become the president of Guatemala only a few months later. No joke, really, we have now enter the short list of places like California or the United States who have elected entertainers as presidents or governors.

What other places in the world have elected clowns, comedians or entertainers to a high office?

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Mother at voting center in Antigua Guatemala

Well, after watching the results of the presidential election where the comedian, turned politician, Jimmy Morales, was declare the new elected president of Guatemala one feels the urge to listen to the song Garrick by Gaby Moreno who was inspired in the poem Reir llorando (Garrick) by Juan de Dios Peza.

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