Consecutive Day 3648 — Viviendo La Receta Book

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Viviendo la receta de Mirciny Moliviatis

The world-famous Guatemalan chef, Mirciny Moliviatis, has a new book that she’s promoting at present in the U.S. by the name of “Viviendo la receta,” or “Living the recipe.” This book is available on Amazon; here’s the description in English of the book:

Celebrity Chef Mirciny Moliviatis makes a culinary trip around Guatemala and tells us about the different flavors and ingredients that are iconic to her country. She then creates tasty and delicious recipes that you can easily make on your own! 9 Chapters and 48 recipes in total. Learn about iconic Guatemalan ingredients, their origin and how they are grown. Make a trip through Guatemala without leaving your home!

I was fortunate to receive a signed and dedicated copy of the book Viviendo La Receta directly from Misha, as we call her those lucky to know her well. We have worked together a couple of times showing the gastronomy of Antigua Guatemala to televisions crews from the U.S. Besides that, Misha and I are very passionate about the food from Guatemala.

Keep and eye for chef Mirciny Moliviatis and let us know if you catch a glimpse of her on television, radio or printed media. And don’t forget to get a copy of the book from Amazon.

10-year Countdown Aside: I’ve been publishing for 3,648 consecutive days on We continue the May 1st, 2016 countdown to 3,654 days, or 522 weeks, or 120 months, or 10 years of daily multimedia content from and about Antigua Guatemala.

Check out the entire index thus far and please, do share with me what have been some of your favourites posts through the years.

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