Strobist Photo Workshops in Antigua Guatemala

Strobist Photo Workshops in Antigua Guatemala with Rudy Giron

Photographs made with a flash are often viewed as something crass and/or intimidating. If used correctly an external flash whether on-camera or off-camera can be an extraordinary tool to help achieve images that would be otherwise impossible.

For these reasons and more I created my strobist or off-camera flash photo walks and workshop to help those interesting in making the most out challenging lighting situations or bad weather, especially at twilight while in Antigua Guatemala or elsewhere.

In these strobist/flash photo walks and workshops we learn how to balance the natural light occurring at the golden and blue hour with street lights and other artificial lights plus flash illumination as shown in the picture above. Below you can see two images that show the process of finding the equilibrium of the three light sources with the help of Henry, the nut ambulant vendor who patiently work with us as we set up the shot above.  Make sure you book a strobist/flash photography workshop with me next time you visit Guatemala.

By the way, Henry was very happy with the results and he received the image instantly via WhatsApp and a gorgeous print later on.

First we find the balance between the natural light and the artificial ambient lights.Strobist Photo Workshops in Antigua Guatemala with Rudy Giron

Then we add the off-camera or on-camera flash illumination. Lastly, we combine both exposures into one balanced image as shown in the main picture above.Strobist Photo Workshops in Antigua Guatemala with Rudy Giron

© 2018 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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