Holy Week Vistas — Processional Carpets
Some of the more intricate and complex designs of alfombras, carpets, can take as long as 12 hours. Such was the case …
Some of the more intricate and complex designs of alfombras, carpets, can take as long as 12 hours. Such was the case …
Here’s the short story, this grandmother poses on the other side of a procesional carpet, or alfombra in Spanish. A relative is …
The Palm Sunday procession kicks off the Holy Week 2017. The Jesús Nazareno “La Reseña” and Santísima Virgen de Dolores procession leaves …
We wave good-bye to Semana Santa 2016 with the most emblematic image found during the Holy Week: The Selfie. As every year, …
The Holy Week is almost over. I have a few dozen photographs such as this one in my archives now. Tomorrow, Domingo …
Good Friday, good vibes. That’s how I can summarize the sensations most people feel while spending a few hours during the Good …
Today was a good day, well make it a Good Thursday since we are in the Holy Week. A day full of …
I always wondered where do Roman soldiers and cucuruchos [coneheads] refuel for the tremendous amount of energy required to do a full …
On Good Monday, from the finca “La Chacra” comes out the procession of Jesús Nazareno del Santo Viacrucis. This is a small …
Here’s the exit of La Reseña procession from Iglesia de La Merced in Antigua Guatemala. On Palm Sunday one of the most …
So, finally we have arrived at Domingo de Ramos, Palm Sunday. Even though I have shared a few photographs and posts during …
Here’s one last picture from the Semana Santa. In this case, I got really close to a cucurucho, a teenager really, to …
The Holy Week Is Officially Over! Yes, it’s official, the Semana Santa is over. Now, it is time to ponder over the …
I don’t know how it happened, but nowadays many cucuruchos, the cone head float carriers, are also carrying cameras to photograph the …
Here’s your Spanish word of the day: Cucurucho or cone head. Every so often cucuruchos need to refuel so they continue to …