Gardening At Night
The last meeting of the Club Fotográfico de Antigua was quite a blast with some very interesting guests like Iván Castro, James …
The last meeting of the Club Fotográfico de Antigua was quite a blast with some very interesting guests like Iván Castro, James …
As more houses of La Antigua Guatemala are turned into business, the old architectonic spaces are converted for new uses. Here for …
I’m amazed by the abundance and variety of fruit in Guatemala. My chapín friends lament the relatively poor selection here, and miss …
It was Patsy Poor who requested photos of Guatemala chickens. Well Patsy, you are served. These garden chickens are known locally as gallinas criollas (creole hens) or gallinas del país (native hens) as opposed to the chicken grown in farms.
I have said that I really enjoy being in this building so many times that you might actually believe that I work …
Believe it or not, the McDonald’s restaurant in La Antigua Guatemala is very nice place to meet for coffee with friends and …
I don’t know what exactly haunts me about this image. Maybe the moon in the background, the green branches barely lit or …
Really green garden, originally uploaded by rudygiron. This a very lush and green garden. It is a pleasure to the eye. In …
Old tree from the Popenoe House garden, originally uploaded by rudygiron. As your enter the Popenoe House, the main feature of the …
Once the Antigua became a popular tourist destination, many old houses were converted into hotels. Hotel Aurora is the opposite corner to …
This type of half fountain embedded on a wall are known as búcaro and they are everywhere in Antigua Guatemala. So much …
The Feast of Corpus Christi marks the beginning of the town fairs season in Antigua Guatemala and surrounding villages. Today I share …
12 Onzas is the newest specialty coffee shop in Antigua Guatemala. They only serve coffee from their family coffee plantation Concepción Buena …
Poinsettias are autochthonous to Guatemala and Mesoamerica so they can be grown in gardens either by design or as wild intruders as well as in the fields as wild plants. In Guatemala poinsettias are known as Flor de Pascua, or simply as…
Here’s your illustrated Guatemalan Spanish word of the day: Piscina for swimming pool. Swimming pools are perfect for this heatwave we had …