Palo de Izote tree

Palo de Izote trees

Palo de Izote is a relative of the Yucca Tree. It is present in almost all gardens and fences here and everywhere in Southeast Mexico and Central America. In my San José el Viejo ruins photo on June 10th, it caught the eye of Patsy. I do not know how she was able to extract it since I do not post large photos, but it was there. Once she pointed it out to me, I was more aware of it. This photo was taken at a house which is only three houses away from my office. I like the wavey wall and the tree heads just above. I wish the sky was better, but we are in the rainy season here (May – October). Please, do forgive my gray skies for a few months.

When people just have arrived in Guatemala, one thing catches their attention: how wonderfully green is everything. This country will be perfect playground for the constant garderner because of its fertile volcanic soil, abundance of water and humidity. Of course, there is a price to pay for everything: here you have to live with 33 volcanoes nearby, 3 of them active, and a copious rainy season. I believe these are the main ingredients that made this country the land of the eternal spring.

© 2006 – 2013, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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