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Antigua Abstractions

Antigua Guatemala Fragments

This photo has a nice collection of architectonic fragments which are very representative of La Antigua Guatemala. Interesting enough, this photo is …

Theme day: Bright Colours

August 1 marks the opportunity to participate in the theme day of the City Daily Photo community around the world and this …

Antigua Fragments

Here’s my humble attempt at summarizing some of the architectonic elements of Antigua Guatemala. How you like it?

Fountain Fragment

Besides signs, I also have a fascination for fountains. I am glad in La Antigua Guatemala there is an abundance of both. …

Antigua Abstracta

Early on I had been bewitched by the abstract possibilities found in every nook and cranny of this enchanting and vibrant sleepy …

Dome Roof Details at Cafe Barista

All along these 1,124 consecutive entries, I have been compiling a collection of abstract photographs of La Antigua Guatemala with the idea …

Upside Down Arches

The first time I published the arches reflected on the water tank at Tanque de la Unión Park in La Antigua Guatemala, there were many people who really liked the photo. There were even some Guatemalans who said the reflection was done in Photoshop. Now you can take the statement either way: you can feel proud to know that you’ve snapped a shot that people think you spent many hours in the digital lab of Photoshop or you can take it as a put down on your photo-taking ability. I am glad I am very competent in the Photoshop department, heck I could even argue that I excel in the skills of Photoshop since I started working in version 2 and I use the program in a daily basis.