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Stray dog crossing a cobblestone street in Colonial Town BY RUDY GIRON

Almost a Ghost Town

I could have never imagined desolate streets during the most important week of the year: the Holy Week of Antigua Guatemala, how …

Adopt a Guatemalan Puppy BY RUDY GIRON

Adopting a Guatemalan Puppy

Today I have a feel-good story to share with you. This puppy was rescued by an English woman, a friend, who lives …

Adopt a Mutt

If you can’t decide between a Shepherd, a Setter or a Poodle, get them all… adopt a mutt! Animal Aware in Antigua …

Animals Have Rights Too…

I have developed a deep respect for animals. I consider them fellow living creatures with certain rights that should not be violated …

Underneath a Holy Week Float in La Antigua Guatemala

So much mumble jumble to present the underneath view of a Holy Week float in one of the villages of La Antigua Guatemala. Andas (floats) are not only the affair of cucuruchos, women also participate; and sometimes even chuchos (street dogs) get involved in the penitent act of carrying the heavy float! 😉