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PHOTO STOCK: Palacio del Ayuntamiento de Antigua Guatemala

First rule for 2021…

… We don’t talk about ####. I am hopeful for 2021 and I believe the world will be a better place, poco …

The Mayor’s Seat

A few days ago several members of Club Fotográfico de Antigua (Antigua’s Photo Club) and I went to the Municipalidad (City Hall) …

Corner Búcaro Fountain

According to Foursquare, I hold more mayorships than anyone in La Antigua Guatemala, including the current elected Mayor, Dr. Vivar. 😉 So, …

Guatemala’s Independence Day Torch

Getting everything ready for Independence Day Celebrations. This torch will light the Independence fire torches from all over Guatemala. These Independence torches …

Arches at the Jocotenango Municipalidad

Here is another shot taken at the Municipalidad de Jocotenango which shows its yellow façade and abundance of arches. Jocotenango was the community where workers and artisans (indians) lived in colonial times. Nowadays, Jocotenango still provides residence to many of the workers of La Antigua Guatemala.

Arch-framed Women in Jocotenango

This is very simple image will allow us to play a creative game. Taking the two women as our characters we will write up one of many conceivable dialogues as the interaction between them. This would be similar to what we did in Opposite Ends of Life #2, which you should look at and read to get an idea. The apparent age difference could be used to set the pair as mother and daughter or sisters or simply co-workers of the newly opened Subway; it is up to you. I will submit the first plausible dialogue.