Pick your color #4
This is close-up view of the “undocumented alien” in my garden. I plan to have more strict rules for this migrant plants, including but not limited to, random searches, x-rays checks, striping, finger-printing the branches, photos (which I already do), background checks, et-cetera. You can never be “too careful” about your garden. Now, if this was money or merchandise, I just would do a free trade agreement and open both leaves of my doorway. But, you know, money does not grow on trees. Right? 🙁
There are not too many colors to choose from, nevertheless there are enough colors for you to choose one.
- The rules of the game are:
- You look at the photo,
- You pick one single color and
- You leave a comment tell us what color you picked and why?
© 2006 – 2013, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.