Ice Cream Graphic Menu

Foremost Ice cream handcart by Rudy Giron

One of the things that I like most about publishing the Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo and visiting the other Daily Photos Cities around the world is what I learn. I have an insatiable desire for learning and enlarging my education. I keep myself informed with magazine, newspapers, television and the web. I try to cultivate myself with books (especially literature), films, music, photography, paintings, and blogs.

For over a long time now, I have believed that the real education is acquired right after school. I keep handy in my quote compartment some words my Mark Twain: I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. Interesting enough I have kept this quote close-by since my days at school. George Santayana adds some words of wisdom with, “A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.” All those thoughts to let you in a secret: I publish the Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo because I learn and educate myself in the process.

Today’s photo is a very good example of the learning process. I have seen the Foremost ice cream handcarts everywhere in Guatemala. I have seen the Foremost Dairy products in the Guatemalan supermarkets. Thus, I had assumed that the Foremost brand was from Guatemala. After looking at the ice cream menu in the photo above, I get a little intrigued about the Foremost logotype and the history behind the company. The logotype interest has to do with me being a graphic designer. I do little googling. Surprise, surprise! Foremost Dairies of Guatemala is part of a transnational company founded in 1931 by James Cash Penney (J.C. Penney). The Foremost Dairies Company takes its name from a very special thoroughbred stud bull by the name of Foremost. Little did the bull know that by 1951 his name was part of the third largest company in the world (source: Foremost Dairies of Guatemala/in English thanks to Google). The Foremost brand has been part of Guatemala since March 1960.

So there you have it. I can still learn while in the process of publishing a photo blog about a tiny colonial town in the Guatemalan highlands of Central America. So can you by visiting this humble site; unless you believe, like Sherlock Holmes in A Study in Scarlet, that the mind is like an attic: you can only put so much stuff in it.

Have an exceptional milky and creamy day!

Countdown side note: Today’s entry is number 294 so far and we continue with a countdown to post 300th. I will send the best ten photos (4″x6″) of this site to the person that makes the first comment after the 100,000 visit. There had been 97,673 visits up this point. See the entry on January 18th for further details.

© 2007 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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