Name All the Tropical Fruits

Tropical Fruit Stand

One of the things I like best about La Antigua Guatemala is its location. One hour or less from Guatemala City and the Pacific Ocean, about two hours or less from the most beautiful lake in the world: Lake Atitlán (according to Alexander von Humboldt). A little under three hours from Quetzaltenango or Xela like its locally known. Back on January 17th I showed this satellite map of Southern Guatemala in which you can see La Antigua Guatemala in relation to Guatemala City, Lake Atitlan, the Pacific Ocean and the volcanoes of Pacaya, Agua, Fuego and Acatenango. It is great little map and I recommend that you take a look at it along with the other satellite maps I posted on the very first entry on this site: Where in the World is La Antigua Guatemala.

After the long explanation above you may ask yourself, what’s the point anyway? Well, just a simple background information so you know that you can drive down to hot and humid tropical lands of Southern Guatemala within 45 minutes from La Antigua. The driving down part is literal since you take the sinuous road from La Antigua Guatemala at 1500 meters/5000 feet above the see level toward the Pacific Ocean, traveling between volcanoes of Agua, Fuego and Acatenango, with coffee and flower plantations on either side road. It is one of the most beautiful stretches of road in Guatemala. On the hot and humid land of tropical Escuintla you can find many exotic fruits like the ones shown above.

Enough ramblings. To play this game you simply try to name as many fruits as you can from the tropical stand above (you might need to click on the photo to get a larger version for details). Let the game begin.

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