Kings, Queens, Presidents and Prime Ministers Wanted

Remozando La Antigua

Just yesterday I told you about the paint jobs that many houses and buildings undergo for the Holy Week Celebrations. Also, every time a king, a queen, president or prime minister decides to take visit Guatemala or La Antigua Guatemala, this old town undergoes a rejuvenating process of new paint, fixing the cobblestone streets, painting the parks, et-cetera. The whole thing is ridiculous; the work should be done regardless who ever is visiting and because taxes are being paid to beautified the cities. Actually, once a year Guatemalans are forced to paid a small tax called ornato (to beutify) their town of residence.

The face-lift works being done in and around Antigua Guatemala are due to the fact that King Don Carlos and Queen Doña Sofí­a from Spain are visiting Guatemala this Friday. Their timing could not be more wrong since Guatemala is also hosting the III Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities.

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