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Search results for: "cross"

Cuddling Couple at the Cross

I wonder if the lookout point has been dubbed “make-out point.” This couple is certainly enjoying the ambience of the hilltop vista. Can’t say I blame them…

Feast of the Cross

Día de la Santa Cruz (Day of the Holy Cross) is celebrated in Guatemala and other Latin American countries on May 3rd …

Holy Week Elements: The Cross

Nevertheless, Good Friday is the culmination of the Holy Week Celebrations and the processions end at the Calvario Church (Calvario is the Spanish word for Calvary or Golgotha). The entrance of the Calvario Church in La Antigua Guatemala is a yellow façade with three arches, topped by three bells and three crosses —one larger than the other two— with a very large concrete cross in front. Can you see the obvious architectonic reference to Jesus’ crucifixion?

The Crosses are Everywhere

The crosses are everywhere around Antigua Guatemala even though one may become blind to them after a while. This black cross was …

Maya women walking back home at El Hato Antigua Guatemala

This is the End: Maya women walking back home

There are now 5,400 posts in the archives of AntiguaDailyPhoto, organized neatly in reverse chronological order, by category order and by hash tags. This is the largest multimedia resource in English about the Guatemalidad or the Guatemalan identity, traditions and culture. I have tried to cover just about everything I have come across in these +16 years…

Mayan Pottery Vendor

Mayan Ceramic Pottery Vendor

During a recent street photography walk we came across Teresita, a lovely grandmother selling Mayan ceramic pottery at a corner. We asked …