Let’s Celebrate 15 Years of Daily Life Photographs from Antigua Guatemala

Rudy Giron: Antigua Guatemala &emdash; Cervezas de Guatemala

Here’s your illustrated Guatemalan Spanish word of the day: Cervezas for beers.

These are the most popular beers in Guatemala produced by the national brewing company, better known as Cerveceria Centroamericana. In this picture, we are missing my favorite beer from the national brewing company, Moza.

Día del trabajo, Labor Day, is observed in Guatemala on May 1. Today we also celebrate 15 years of consecutive photographic updates of daily life from Antigua Guatemala. To me there is no greater satisfaction than to had been given to opportunity to share with you my passion for Antigua Guatemala, Guatemalans and photography, to lend a hand whenever possible and to pass on all the interesting information I came across. Of course, none of it would had been possible without the support from my girlfriend, family and friends. A big THANK YOU for all your support as well!

Starting today, I will be stopping the daily updates; the site will live on and I will post updates from time to time, but not daily. It has been a wild ride, 5,479 days thus far. Please, let me know your thoughts, I would like to hear anything, good or bad, about the body of photographic work and information that I have shared with you through the years.

Now, if AntiguaDailyPhoto.com has been useful to you in any way, please INVITE me a beer or a coffee. Cheers!

© 2021, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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