We Move Books!

We Move Books

The back of the mobile library chicken bus has even the same typography and three-step color gradient as the public transportation buses. However, it lacks the naked-woman silhouette on shiny metal and/or the Disney cartoon figures (what’s the fascination with Tweety bird, can anyone explain it to me?). Instead, it has a three-word slogan: we move books!, other than that you could not tell the difference from PROBIGUA‘s bibliobuses and the regular camionetas. If you don’t believe me, please, browse over the 2,112 photos of chicken buses at Flickr (about 99% are from Guatemala; can someone explain me the foreigners’ fascination with chicken bus?).

Countdown side note: 3 more days to May 1st one-year anniversary. For the year two of Antigua Guatemala Daily Photo, I will also cover the process of how textiles, forged metal crafts, wooden furniture and handicraft are made. Stay tune and come back often; daily if you can!

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