With the Rainy Season Comes the Rainbow Season

black and white rainbow

In Guatemala the rainy season brings the rainbow season too. The rainy season in Guatemala wets the months or May through October, sometimes even November which are basically the summer and fall seasons in the Northern Hemisphere where Guatemala is located. Most Guatemalans equate the wet months of May though October with winter, so they call it invierno, winter, even though we are in the summer season. Are you confused yet? Well read up my entry on The Land of the Eternal Spring for some clarification or to totally give up on logic.

Tomorrow is Father’s Day in Guatemala, always on the same date, June 17th. I hope to catch something for you.

UPDATE: For a humoristic look at the weather and weather forecasting in Guatemala and to see an unbelievable photograph of thunderstorm in Guatemala City, please read El Canche’s entry on Predicting the Weather in Guatemala.

© 2007 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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