Joyerí­a del Ángel Corner in La Antigua Guatemala

Joyerí­a del Ángel in Antigua

The opposite corner of the Cookies is the Joyerí­a del Ángel, which by the way is the twin business for Posada del Ángel. Both businesses are run to the highest standards and thus you can find just of about any high-end and exquisite jewelry produced any where in the world right here at Joyerí­a del Ángel, in La Antigua Guatemala.

Obviously what they sell there has not influenced my appreciation for this wonderful light-blue, celeste in Guatemalan Spanish, corner. I simply liked the light hitting the building and the tourists walking by that afternoon. Also, I like the geometry of the white stripes, the Joyerí­a del Ángel sign and the lamp. You will have to excuse the white sky in many of the photos taken during the rainy season; not much I can do.

Disclosure side note: I am not being paid anything for saying nice things about the Posada or Joyerí­a del Ángel. Even though I know the general manager, these things I say them because I know the businesses and have been give unrestricted access to photograph them. That is all. If I ever I am being paid for promoting or saying nice things about a particular business, I will let you know with a disclosure. That is the deal.

© 2007 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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