Green Mango for MO

Guatemalan Green Mango Serving

Boy, do I sacrifice for you guys, or what? MO (Mario) asked for a shot of green mangoes and here I am going to buy a green mango with pepitoria, sal, limón y chile, just for him (and Raquel). 😉

See, many of the snacks in the Guatemalan junk food menu are actually healthy. Many street vendors set up shop outside schools to sell their junk food to kids and this include fruit portions sold inside a little plastic bag. The fruit sold varies by season, but can be green mangoes, green apples, jocotes (Guatemalan yellow plums), oranges, watermelons, melons, pineapple, just to name a few of the options. One more thing, green means unripe fruit which is normally served along lemon juice, salt, ground ayote (pumpkin) seeds known as pepitoria, and ground red hot chili pepers (not the band). 😉

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