It’s Time for Some Sweeping

It's Time for Some Sweeping

Every once in a while you reach certain marks in your life and in your projects and they serve to mull over all the things accomplished thus far and to look into the future and plan for new things.

Well, I have reached this point and like this old fellow, I too will be doing some cleaning around here. I will be changing the theme we have been using almost since July 2006 and reorganizing things so they are easier to browse and to find stuff stashed in the archives. I will also try to go back to clean up all the horrible typos and mistakes in grammar and orthography. I may call on volunteers to help clean up the archives.

For the upcoming future I can offer a discussion forum where all of us will be able to dig deeper into some themes and subjects that I have treated lightly in daily flow. Also, I will be working in a new site to rescue and share all the Guatemalan recipes I come across. This new Guatemalan recipe website will be bilingual and everyone will be welcome to participate and share. Once again, I will need your support and feedback.

For now, let the old man sweep the park with his all-natural broom. ¡Buenas noches y buena suerte!

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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