Guatemalan Flavors in a Jar: Jocón

Guatemalan Flavors in a Jar

The problem with many authentic Guatemalan dishes is that they are not very portable or sometimes the recipes are so complex and include ingredients not easily found, outside of Guatemala that is. The same can be said for most dishes from the MesoAmerican cuisine menu.

But modernity has arrived to the land of Hunahpu and Ixbalanque. Thanks to the Guatemalan restaurant chain 7Caldos, now you should be able to find Kak’ik, Pepián, and Jocón in just-add-water-and-heat-up jars at your nearest local Latin market.

The caldos and recados (stocks and stews) in these jars can be prepared so easily that even my lovely sister Sandra should have no problem. 😉

For instance, the Jocón, green tomato sauce, can be prepared by just boiling chicken or beef chunks along with güisquil (chayote) and potato quarters until nearly soft, then just add the contents of the 7Caldos Jocón jar, mix well and simmer for a few minutes and serve. Heck, even I can do this and I have. Come back tomorrow to see the results.

© 2009 – 2021, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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