Antigua Abstracted #2

Antigua Abstracted #2

Luscious rivers of colour, in every hue imaginable pour through La Antigua over Holy week. Ultramarine, cobalt blue, lime yellow, day-glow orange, deep rich purples, and blood reds, all in myriad shades flow into endless combinations over the cobblestone canvas of the street. The heaped bags and bowls of rich colour remind me of the work of Anish Kapoor, in particular his early sculptural pieces made of pure molded pigment. Joyful, intense and yet playful they invite us to touch – as do the alfombras – and yet to do so, would also ruin their fragile perfection. The inspiration for the organic forms of his sculpture and installations often springs from the shape of seeds, grasses, and spores which signify the beginning of life and are in stark contrast to his other influence- the wayside altars and shrines found throughout India. A deep rooted connection with the rhythms of nature, and the transformative power of birth, death and regeneration, link the themes of his artwork with the Celebrations of Easter. And of spring, the rains and the beginning of a new life cycle…

text and photos by Michele Woodey.

Colors in a sawdust carpet Arts graphic colors

© 2009 – 2020, Michele Woodey. All rights reserved.

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