Natural Guatemalan Color Palette

Colors from Guatemala

When was the last time you visited the Color palette category? Well, I know I fed it exactly one month ago. Talking about feeding and eating, well, todays color palette goes very well with Guatemalan caldos, surely you know what caldos are, right?

Now that we are on the subject of caldos and Guatemalan cuisine; I have some questions for you. Here we go:

  • What is your favorite Guatemalan caldo?
  • What is your favorite caldo from anywhere?
  • When was the last time you had caldo and what kind was it?
  • What’s the difference between caldos and soups?
  • Can you cook a caldo all by yourself, which one?

If we get at least fifteen replies, I will answer all those questions myself as well; even though it may be considered over-sharing. 😉

© 2009 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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