Independence Day: Practicing Student Bands

Independence Day: Practicing Student Bands

School bands and parades were the norm to celebrate Independence Day before the December 29 signing of The Guatemalan Peace Accords of 1996, which put an end to Guatemala’s 36-year civil war since the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the democratic reformist government of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954 (read more…). School parades with their martial music bands were thought to be a remainder of the war and they were discontinued after the signing of the peace accords. This was the spark for the birth of another patriotic manifestation around Independence Day; and a very interesting one: Marathons. Of course, Guatemalans have a short memory and by the turn of the new Millennium student bands and parades were back, except now they were “free” to play any kind of music, from disco to cumbia.

In yesterday’s entry I mentioned all the activities that Guatemalans do to commemorate their Independence Day. Today, I rather go visual and share with you two slide shows and a video clip of the hauling down of the Guatemalan Flag, which marks the end of the Independence Day Celebrations.

Have a happy Guatemala’s Independence Day everyone!

Hauling Down of the Guatemalan Flag

2006 Independence Day: Slideshow

2007 Independence Day: Slideshow

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