Market Marchers Manifestation

Market Marchers Manifestation 5

La Antigua Guatemala sí es Guatemala after all. I hate to admit it, but Manolo was right!

Just when I think Antigua Guatemala is not the real world I come across a true Guatemalan-style manifestation with flags, slogans, chants and the works.

In short, the protesters, most of them vendors from the municipal marker, were demanding to throw away the plans to move the bus terminal away from el mercado, market. They were also demanding fair and just treatment towards the poor and the worker from the mayor and municipal council. I recorded several videos which I will link below in case you want a watch the clips of a Guatemala manifestation. Further down, there’s a slideshow with enough photos to give you taste of it all.

As I was about to turn right on 3a calle oriente, on my way to Parque Central, I noticed a large colorful crowd and before anybody knew it, the protesters had canceled out the entrance and exit of La Antigua Guatemala be their sheer numbers. I parked, grabbed the camera and iPhone and decided I was going to do my best to document this manifestation. I shot about a hundred photographs and a few videos. Some of the photos and updates when online in real time to Twitter, Facebook and videos to Qik. Believe it or not, I am getting good at this.

Without further ado, here are the videos recorded and uploaded in real time.

  1. El pueblo se manifiesta en contra de la Municipalidad de Antigua in Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
  2. El pueblo se manifiesta en contra de mover la terminal de autobuses.
  3. Ya llegó la manifestación al Palacio del Ayuntamiento.

Please, let me know your feedback and thoughts regarding this event coverage!

© 2010 – 2020, Rudy Giron. All rights reserved.

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