Caldo de Gallina Criolla Vegetables

Caldo de Gallina Criolla Vegetables

Back on August I shared with you the presentation of Caldo de Gallina Criolla from Sabe Rico Restaurant in Antigua Guatemala. Criollo or criolla is the Guatemalan Spanish word often meaning native, garden grown or free range. As I said before, criollo in colonial times was the word used to label the offspring of Spaniards that were born in America (remember America means the entire Continent not just the U.S.). Nowadays, in Guatemala we use the word criollo/criolla for things that grow in an orchard or garden and often for free range chickens. In the case what Caldo de gallina criolla means is stock or stew made with a free range hen grown in the patio, garden or orchard. The gallinas criollas are usually smaller than mass-grown farm chicken and the meat is darker and much more delicious. Since in the previous photo of Caldo de Gallina Criolla some of the ingredients were not visible, I decided to share this other photo which shows some of the vegetables that are often part of the dish: Perulero (white chayote or white Sechium edule), carrots, corn of the cob, and squash.

Here’s the recipe found at Revista Amiga. Can anybody help with the translation?

Caldo de gallina criolla

Rinde 6 porciones
2 litros de agua hirviendo
1 gallina de 3 libras
2 chiles pimiento
2 cebollas
5 tomates
5 papas
1 zanahoria
1 güisquil
1 cucharadita de aceite
1 manojo de hierbabuena
1 manojo de cebollín
sal al gusto
polvo de consomé al gusto

En una olla grande cueza la gallina en el agua hirviendo, sazónela con sal y consomé al gusto, añada el tomate y la cebolla picados.

Corte las verduras en pequeños trozos y saltéelas en una sartén con el aceite. Añádalos al caldo y cueza por 45 minutos. Pique la hierbabuena y el cebollín, incorpórelos al caldo, retire la preparación del fuego y sirva.

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